Advocate Puppies and Small Under 4kg Green 3 pack
Buy Advocate Puppies and Small Under 4kg Green 3 pack for $52.95, or search for Advocate to find the best prices from all retailers. We pride ourselves on finding the best prices on pet products in Australia, with prices updated regularly.
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Lots of things suck in this world. Peak hour sucks. Bills suck. Slow shoppers at the supermarket suck. We could go on. Our dogs – our beautiful, loyal, happy-go-lucky canine companions – have their own list of things that suck. Fleas, lice, gastrointestinal worms, heartworm…these parasites can infiltrate our healthy dogs and make their lives a misery. Not only that, but many of these nasty little suckers can infect members of our families too. And haven’t we got enough to worry about? Advocate provides immensely effective, fast-acting treatment and protection against fleas, heartworm and gastrointestinal worms. Not only does it rid your dog of parasites, but when used monthly it provides ongoing, water-resistant protection from reinfestation. Which is good news for your and your family. Product details Suitable for puppies and small dogs under 4kg water-resistant treatment for gastrointestinal worms, heartworm, fleas and lice begins working on fleas within minutes kills parasites and when applied monthly provides protection from reinfestation user-friendly applicator.
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