Eheim Classic External Filter Classic 350
Buy Eheim Classic External Filter Classic 350 for $288.99, or search for Eheim to find the best prices from all retailers. We pride ourselves on finding the best prices on pet products in Australia, with prices updated regularly.
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Eheim Classic External Filter Classic 350 Pet: Fish Category: Fish Supplies Size: 5.3kg Rich Description: Eheim is an awardwinning German aquarium accessory company. Having been perfecting pumps filters and more since 1963 Eheim offers you the best conditions for your hobby to the point where their name is synonymous for superior filter technology. Very quiet running Low energy consumption Longlasting flexible silicon sealing ring in pumphead for easy and safe replacement after cleaning Can be filled with filter pads andor loose filter media Comes with spraybar inlet pipe hose and installation accessories Versatile accessories
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