Yours Droolly Entertaineze Dog Treat Ball Large
Buy Yours Droolly Entertaineze Dog Treat Ball Large for $54.99, or search for Yours Droolly to find the best prices from all retailers. We pride ourselves on finding the best prices on pet products in Australia, with prices updated regularly.
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Treat time and fun time is rolled into one with the Yours Droolly Entertaineze Dog Treat Ball. Made from durable rubber that is slightly springy, this treat ball will provide your dog with hours of stimulation and entertainment, or just a fun game of fetch. Simply poke treats through the hole with flaps on the top of the Yours Droolly Entertaineze Dog Treat Ball and then give to your dog. As your dog rolls the ball, the kibble will be guided through the internal maze until it fall out the bottom hole. The Yours Droolly Entertaineze Dog Treat Ball is easy to clean by washing with running warm tap water through the hole. Available in 3 sizes;
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